Regius Robusto: Regal, rich and reliable
The Regius Robusto is a Nicaraguan puro that has had a place in my humidor 2013. This smooth and well rounded cigar is a satisfying cigar to have on standby.
The Regius Robusto is a Nicaraguan puro that has had a place in my humidor 2013. This smooth and well rounded cigar is a satisfying cigar to have on standby.
Young adults are ditching cigarettes and instead turning to pipes and cigars. Is it social media? Celebrities? Here’s my take on the rise of young cigar smokers
Back in 2008 Manuel Quesada first released his Casa Magna cigars and they took the cigar world by storm. A collaboration with Nestor Plasencia, this budget Nicaraguan puro took the top spot as Cigar...
After 8 years making cigars in his native Honduras, Dr Gaby Kafie moved Kafie 1901 production to the Dominican Republic. But what does this mean for his cigars?
Don’t be fooled by the dimunutive size of La Flor Dominicana El Carajón. Underneath an understated band, this tres petit corona punches well above its weight.
When I was new to cigars, the Punch Petit Coronations was recommended to me a great Cuban for a novice cigar smoker. Would I now recommend this to beginners?
Liga de la Casa is Spanish for a house blend cigar for the workers. Dr. Gaby Kafie thought so much of this house blend that he added it to the Kafie 1901 range.
Sometimes I choose a cigar on a whim with little thought or expectation of what lies ahead. Such was the case with the Brazil Trüllerie Fernando Cigar.
It’s a possibility that the El Viejo Continente Classic Robustom may be my new favourite cigar. I haven’t been as excited to see how a cigar ages in a long time
Villa Zamorano have given me a mixed bag of cigars ranging from amazing to rather lacklustre. The Villa Zamorano Churchill is a lot of cigar for a budget price.