For every cigar smoker, there is a way to rate the enjoyment of a cigar. Over the years, I have tried various cigar review systems, but I found the commonly used 100-point system took me out of the experience and didn’t allow me to savour the flavours and the memories that they stimulated.
Also I am rather prone to story telling and will often go off on a reverie when a taste or aroma tickles my memory, so the written description is as important to me, if not more so, as the numbers that come out at the end. Consequently, I am a rather slow smoker, so please do take the smoke times with a large pinch of salt!
Based on all of the above, I have attempted to devise my own “5 for 5” cigar review scoring system based on what is important to me when I smoke.
My Cigar Review Criteria
This rating criteria covers the design, look, feel, construction and cold draw of the cigar, ie. how appetising and enticing does it appear before I actually light it up for my cigar review.
Scored out of 5 stars as follows:
Rather ugly looking
Not very appealing
Seems to be okay
Looks and tastes nice
Can’t wait to get started
This is all about how the actual smoke from the cigar tastes, feels and looks.
Scored out of 5 stars as follows:
Rather disappointing
Not that exciting
Looks nice but lacks flavour
Good flavour and texture
Enchanting and richly aromatic
This is all about how the actual smoke from the cigar tastes, feels and looks.
Scored out of 5 stars as follows:
Bitter, harsh or generally unpleasant
Bland and inoffensive
Different flavours noted, but nothing stood out
Clearly defined flavours appeared through the cigar
A well-rounded and nuanced journey of flavours
This criteria covers how the cigar actually tastes to my palette.
Scored out of 5 stars as follows:
Messy, uneven and unreliable
A bit messy, with crumbly ash
Slightly uneven, but nothing unmanageable
Even burn and neat ash
Perfectly even with impeccably formed ash
This speaks for itself really: what was my overall impression of the cigar once I had finished smoking it.
Scored out of 5 stars as follows:
Disappointed, probably will not smoke this again
An underwhelming experience
Good, but nothing special
Very enjoyable and will smoke this again
Stopped me in my tracks and MUST have more!